
CellGenTech is a bio-venture company in close coordination with academia. We actively and intensely research and develop treatments by our Gene/ Cell therapy technologies and regenerating medicine, which basic idea have been created through translational research.

Mission and Vision

Regenerating therapy, Cell therapy, and Gene therapy are expected to be the promising approaches in 21st century to combat against intractable diseases. Cellgentech, Inc. dedicates to improve the quality of life(QOL) of patients and their families suffering from various incurable diseases through providing "therapeutic gene transduced human adipocyte-based medicine"

Corporate Identity

Cell-based medicine is a new type of drug which composed of human derived cells added new function(s) necessary to cure a target disease.
Cellgentech,Inc., as a pioneer of cell-based medicine, is making efforts to develop "transduced adipocyte-based medicine" which is prepared by introducing a therapeutic gene into human adipocytes, especially for patients and their families suffering from intractable diseases caused by inheritably deficient or impaired protein factor.


Considering high potential of "transduced adipocyte-based medicine", our technology may apply to other medical research field. We are open to discuss any opportunity of collaboration whatever it contributes to the benefit of patients suffering from intractable diseases over the world.

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